HR Strategies Improves Client Satisfaction with Web Access

Challenges: HR Strategies supplies a multitude of human resource solutions in a variety of ways to clients. Through each method, HR Strategies is striving for complete client satisfaction in easing the burden of HR administrations. Satisfaction and ease go hand in hand in delivering customer happiness and retention. Web access is one of the many ways HR Strategies is able to provide ease of access to our clients. As one client started on the web access they were looking forward to the promise of a new dimension in HR Strategies’ ability to meet their needs, but with apprehension over the set-up and training to be able to use the new product. The client worried that they would lose the option of being a phone call away, now that they were also just a click away. The client wondered if the web access was going to be as convenient as the familiar way of faxing had become to them. Solution: HR Strategies worked closely with the client as they became familiar with web access, ensuring that set up was simple and went smoothly. HR Strategies was also able to provide comprehensive and clear phone training. Client was able to learn the new web access, finding it very intuitive and easy to use, and was even able to tailor payroll reports to their specific needs. The client found that having web access was a real plus, allowing them to enter information from their own office. Results: HR Strategies was able to improve client satisfaction by offering comprehensive web access. Client was enthusiastic about the exceptional service and the ease of set up and appreciative at the level of training offered on the web access. The client was also relieved to find that even though they have web access, their service team is still only a phone call away for answering questions and troubleshooting.

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