Our Most Recent Accomplishment

We are proud to announce that during the recent winter storm that swept Atlanta this past week, we successfully processed and delivered ALL of our client’s payroll. So far as we know, we are the only PEO in the area that can say that. When even FedEx was closed, we hand-delivered payroll to clients. We are always updating and improving our systems with new technology and more efficient processes. The winter weather that crippled most of the city brought these improvements to light, and now our clients are tangibly reaping the benefits of our improvements. We are proud to be able to say that “Neither snow nor ice will keep us from the swift completion of our duties. Ever.” Not even the post office can say this anymore.

If you are interested in a new PEO service, or you’d like to hear more about what we do here, please contact us today at (770) 339-0000 ext. 129 to speak to a live person-never a recording. We look forward to your calls! If you’d like more information, please call us at (770) 339-0000.

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