New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

Yes, so January 1st has already passed, but it’s never too late to make a resolution for positive change. So often we begin the New Year making a list of personal resolutions to better ourselves or our circumstances. What about our businesses? Why not resolve to better them and their circumstances?  After all they are our livelihood; the very entity that allows us the opportunity to then better ourselves.  It’s easy to look at the obvious personal resolutions:  exercise, diet, etc.  Resolutions for a business may be a bit harder to think of; how about resolving to one or more of the following? After all, even one positive resolution is sure to bring on further positive change.
  1. Review 2011
    • Look at the past year. What worked? What didn’t? Where did you gain the most profit? Where did you lose the most?  Resolve to look at what does and doesn’t work in your line of business, and to learn from it.
  2. Set Goals & Strategize
    • Resolve to set aside time daily, or at least weekly, to review where your business is at and where you want it to be. Then make a plan to get it there!  Reviewing throughout the year will allow you to change course as needed, and by utilizing weekly business planning sessions you can continually keep on track with your goals.
  3. Make Sure Your House is in Order
    • Resolve to be organized from the start with your books and taxes.  Keeping your finances in order from the start, including your taxes, bills, and payroll, will help you to avoid the stress of facing an audit unprepared.  In addition, go ahead and replace any equipment or necessary supplies that are in disrepair and making productivity harder.
  4. Invest In & Reward Your Employees
    • You hire the best, most talented employees in order to grow your business.  Now resolve to keep them motivated and morale high by investing in and rewarding them.  Offer training to continue their growth within your company.  Remember to reward good work and to identify them for going above and beyond.  Use positive constructive motivation and your results will be ten-fold.
  5. Forge New Partnerships / Networks
    • Resolve to join a networking or business organization to forge new partnerships and networks.  These can be of immeasurable value to your company. Through new contacts you may spark new business ideas, or gain referrals.
  6. Market
    • Resolve to promote your business regularly and consistently in a variety of ways. Not sure about social media? 2012 is the time to really give it a shot, as it is becoming more and more important in both marketing and research.  Also, don’t forget about reaching out to the customers you already have, they can be of great service in referrals and testimonials to use.  And lastly don’t forget to keep your website up to date and appealing!
  7. Consult & Serve Your Customers Well
    • Take the time to listen to your customers. Their insight can really help you identify what you are doing right, and what you need to improve on. Resolve to really take into account their comments and recommendations and to implement change from them.
  8. Delegate
    • Handing over tasks and relinquishing control can be one of the hardest things to do.  However, it can also be just the thing to help spur growth in your company.  If you are always consumed with the administrative tasks of payroll, benefits, etc., you are not focusing on bringing in revenue.  Why not resolve to hand over some of the burdensome administrative tasks to HR Strategies and focus on why you really went into business?
  9. Schedule YOU Time
    • Business can be consuming. As the “boss” you must make sure that you find time to schedule in your own down time. After all, who else is going to do it? Not leaving time for you away from the office and running the business is asking for burn-out, and disaster.  Resolve to give yourself that pat on the back and some time away for the great job you’re doing.  In doing so, you will be more motivated and inspired.
  10. Give Back
    • Make a difference in your community.  Remember that those who give also receive. Take the time to find an organization to help, someone to mentor, serve on a committee, or volunteer. By growing goodwill you will also be growing a name for your business. So make a resolution to find a cause in your community that matters to you, and start making a difference.

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