Get Rewarded for Healthy Living

“No matter your stage in life or health, HumanaVitality has something to offer everyone.”
On Wednesday, we gave you HumanaVitality in a nutshell. Today, we’re going to dig deeper into the program. Our writers, who have personally gone through the process, found the program to be informative and engaging. By starting out with a Health Assessment, HumanaVitality is customized to fit your needs rather than sticking you in a generic box. The assessment factors in things like cholesterol level, blood pressure, weight, and blood glucose levels. It also asks about physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking habits, and family medical history. Since this assessment is completely confidential, answering honestly will give you your best results. When you complete your Health Assessment, you’ll be given a personal Vitality Age™ based on your answers. Humana defines Vitality Age™ as how fast your body is aging based on the health choices you’ve made. This determines your Personal Pathway, a customized program that will recommend goals and related activities to help you address health risks and achieve good health. The option to download your report in PDF form makes it accessible so you can easily view your list of goals. The Personal Pathway separates goals into four different areas: Education, Prevention, Fitness, and Healthy Living. Education goals actually begin when you complete the Health Assessment, earning you over 1000 points just for getting started! Examples of education goals are First Aid Certification and CPR Training, which both earn you around 100 points. Prevention goals are more geared toward keeping up with your health. Regular checkups, yearly flu shots, and health screenings are a few ways to earn points under this category. Fitness goals are pretty obvious: daily gym workouts, sports league participation, and athletic event participation, such as marathons; are all listed under goals for this one. Lastly, Healthy Living goals are simply choices that can help you reach good health and wellness; donating blood or testing in a certain range for blood glucose or cholesterol. By reaching goals and earning points, you’ll be able to track your progress and see your success with your Vitality Status. Your status depends on how many points you have, beginning with ‘blue’ and moving up to bronze, silver, gold, and eventually platinum. As you rise through the ranks, you’ll be able to trade points for brand name merchandise in the HumanaVitality™ Mall including: iTunes gift cards, movie tickets, and hotel stays. Who knew that becoming healthy could earn you prizes? HR Strategies and Humana are making healthy living exciting this year. Start getting rewarded for being healthy today!

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